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Diorama Project – Franklin Rubric


Students will work with a partner to create a diorama of their favorite scene from Civics. This can be a battle, signing of documents, etc. The diorama must be an accurate representation of the selected scene. Students are required to include three paragraphs to explain why they chose their scene, the importance of the scene, and explain why certain details were included in the scene. Use proper spelling and grammar. Include a bibliography to cite sources used. DUE TUESDAY MAY 29!


This will also be an IB grade – Criterion A. See IB Rubric for details.




Progress Check                                                                                                            /15


Diorama: ­­­­­­­_____________________________                                                             ­­­­­­­­­­­/40


Paragraph 1: Why They Chose the Project                                                       /15


Paragraph 2: Importance of the Scene                                                             /15


Paragraph 3: Importance Details                                                                                   /15

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